Sunday, May 29, 2011

ICONic Boyz fans: why you need to chillax about ABDC voting fraud rumors!

We've gotten a flood of comments, emails, and texts about rumors that there is fraudulent voting practices occurring in support of IaMmE. There are multiple rumors, but all involve use of computers to flood the voting or change votes. Please calm down and don't worry about it! It is NOT a problem!

First of all, these rumors arose from comments here and elsewhere on the internet and are JOKES. The jokes were written in response to bragging by ICONic Boyz' fans about casting thousands of votes apiece. The rumors/jokes aren't true. I know a fair amount about computerized voting, and the egregious rumors about vote-changing are impossible. Also, think about it: if someone wanted to commit this type of fraud, the last thing they'd do is to publicize it and bring it to the attention of MTV and ICONic Boyz fans!

Further, MTV understands the risk of fraud and has systems in place to pick up on automated voting and to negate the voting. Here's the scoop from the MTV website: "Use of any device to automate a vote is prohibited, including but not limited to software-generated, robotic, programmed, script, macro or other automated votes. MTVN reserves the right at its sole discretion to disqualify any individual (and remove any votes from that individual) it suspects or finds: (i) to have used a software-generated, robotic, programmed, script, macro or other automated online or text message entry; (ii) to have tampered with the voting process; (iii) to be acting in violation of these Voting Rules; or (iv) to be acting in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner, or with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other person. MTVN reserves the right to remove votes at its sole discretion."