Friday, April 9, 2010

Send some love to Blueprint Cru - ABDC5 Runners Up!

I've been a major fan of Blueprint Cru since the  first day of the America's Best Dance Crew Season 5 auditions in New York. I've watched some of the auditions for Seasons 3 through 5, and it was the BEST I could remember. Afterward, everyone in the room was talking about how they HAD to get on the show despite potential visa problems.

They never disappointed me. Each week, they surprised and entertained the audience with their precision, expertise, and storytelling. While each week was great, the Bad Romance performance is one of my favorites for ANY season. I am glad they will be performing live with World of Dance New York (and possibly other venues) and hope that hip hop dance fans get the opportunity to see a masterful dance group.

This post is only for positive comments about Blueprint Cru. If you have something else to say, please comment in the Party Room/Critics Corner.
Photocredit: MTV