Saturday, March 6, 2010

Lady Gaga Recaps

  • LA Times is a must read, with performance critiques from choreographer Chonique Sneed and video interviews with Blueprint Cru and Heavy Impact
  • There are a number of Youtube reviewsof the episode: Taizuke, Big Tashia, ACONNECTIONTV, and DanceDish
  • SpoiltheEnding  predicts an early ending for Heavy Impact and Hype 5-0 due to vote splitting and gives their "Tube that S**t" award this week to Blueprint Cru
  • Too Interesting for Twitter is predicting that Jungle Boogie and Hype 5-0 are in danger.
  • We'll Fix it in is hilarious as usual, and predicts Poreotix and Blueprint Cru for two of the final 3 crews.